Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan visualizes Block Resource Centres/Urban Resource Centres/Cluster
Resource Centres to provide academic support to schools on a continuous basis through teacher
training, monthly meetings for academic consultations, etc. These sub-district academic support
institutions are expected to work in close collaboration with DIETs to render support to schools to
improve the quality of elementary education.
Several studies, including an independent study commissioned by MHRD to ascertain the effectiveness
of BRCs and CRCs in discharging their designated functions and responsibilities have observed that
these institutions are by and large working sub-optimally and have limited or no impact in improving
academic performance in primary and upper primary schools. The expected duties and responsibilities
of the functionaries are based on the overall framework of implementation, There are however wide
variations in the frequency of school visits on account of the administrative activities with the BEO
and other officials at block/district levels, vast geographical area of operation without adequate
transport facility, large coverage of schools and other institutions in the block. This has resulted in
poor monitoring and supervision, especially in areas of teacher training and on-site-support. Further,
the centres themselves lack infrastructure and resources.
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