Gujarat Forest Guard Call Letter 2016-17 OJAS Vanrakshak Physical Test (PET) Admit Card is likely to be uploaded at
OJAS Call Letter 2016-2017: Gujarat Forest Department has uploaded the Gujarat Forest Dept Call Letter 2016. We shall enable a direct link to download admission ticket till then continue your preparations by reading below syllabus and keep visiting this web page on the regular interval to check the latest information. Gujarat Forest Department shall hold a competitive examination for selection of the candidates for direct recruitment to the post of forest guard class 3. So all applied candidate can appear in written exam by providing his/her call letter printed through the official site.
Check: Gujarat Forest Guard Syllabus 2016-2017
The applications were invited from qualified Gujarat area nominees for recruitment to the post of Forest Guard Class 3. The last date to fill on-line application for Gujarat Forest Bharti Recruitment 2016 is 02nd September 2016. A huge number of candidates have previously registered against 1484 vacant posts in the reference of advertising no: FOREST/201617/1.
It is general information to that candidate regarding Forest Guard Recruitment that the written exam will be held on 09th October 2016(Sunday) in the morning session from 11:00 to 01:00. So please download the call letter from the official site. Paper Solution will available from 10th October 2016(Expected). Right now, Forest Guard Solved Paper is uploaded on its official website. So, all applied candidates can download set wise provisional key after the examination in terms of Set A, Set B, Set C and Set D.
For choice, the board shall be organized written exam in two consecutive stages in the following trend: written examination and Physical Fitness Test. Nominees who will secure marks above the expected marks should be liable to attend the Physical test to be held by the board. Apply for various other job openings by visiting Government Jobs 2016
Gujarat Forest Guard Call Letter 2016-17
Department Name: Gujarat Forest Department
Total Number of Post: 1484 Posts
Post Name: Forest Guard(Vanrakshak)
Exam Type: PET/PST
Job Location: District Wise
Test Mode: Offline
Kind of Declaration: Call Letter/Hall Ticket
Further test/Exam Date: Physical Fitness Test (Date will update soon)
Exam Date: To be updated soon
10th Pass Jobs 2016 | 12th Pass Jobs 2016
Gujarat Vanrakshak Call Letter 2016
Before you go through direct steps to download exam hall ticket, we wish to explain you about the recruitment department. Gujarat’s 11.04% geographical area has been declared as forest. It is a much low percentage as per the national forest average. Gujarat Forest Department is working under the principal chief conservator of forest & head of the forest force of Government of Gujarat. The Forest department was set with the main purpose to protect and develop the forest area. Go through this article named as Government Jobs in Gujarat which is specially generated for Gujarat state job seekers.
OJAS Call Letter 2016 for Forest Guard PET Exam
To protect the forest area from wildlife criminals department needs more manpower, So responsible persons publish recruitment notification every year to select young and tenanted candidate for various posts such as Chief Forest Officer, Additional Chief Forest Officer, Divisional Forest Officer, Deputy Chief Forest Officer, Assistant Chief Forest Officer, Ranger, Deputy Ranger, Forester, Assistant Forester, Forest Guard, Chowkidar and etc. Every year, lots of criminals arrested by the responsible persons and they booked criminals under the various IPC sections. If you are preparing for Forest Guard recruitment then you can also apply for Defence Jobs so please utilize this link without delay.
Most Important Instructions for candidate:
- All the nominees must have carried his/her admit card along with photo id proof like Voter ID, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Bank passbook having valid address and photocopies or government approved any one document shall be carry by the candidate while going to attend the examination.
- Electronic Gadgets, Bluetooth Devices, Scientific calculator, mobile phone are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited during the exam.
Following Steps are useful to easily download Gujarat Forest Guard Hall Ticket 2016
- First of all, visit the
- Find out Print Call Letter tab from the menu bar.
- Wait while redirecting to the new page.
- Now Select Job from the drop-down list.
- Enter Confirmation number(Generated after application confirmation)
- Enter Birth Date and press Print Call Letter.
- Save and print hall ticket for future usage.
Useful link:
Get Gujarat Forest Guard Call Letter 2016-17
We have already prescribed all the details regarding Gujarat Forest Guard Call Letter 2016-17 and also will publish exam date, Physical test dates, venue name, and selected candidate list, expected cut off marks and much more.
Ojas Gujarat Forest Department published call letter for Forest Guard Physical / Ground Test 2017. This physical test will be held on February & March, 2017 at Gandhinagar (North Gujarat Zone), Surat (South Gujarat Zone), Godhara (Central Gujarat Zone), Junagadh (Saurashtra Zone). You can Gujarat Forest Department published call letter Download call letter for physical Test: Below
Gujarat Forest Department published call letter Download call letter for physical Test
Download Call Latter: Click here